What Is Considered Cosmetic Dentistry

If you are part of the majority and would rather hide your smile than show it, cosmetic dentistry could give you the change you’ve been looking for. 

Dentists have plenty of options for maintaining oral health and restoring the functionality of teeth, but appearance is also very important. Thanks to cosmetic dentistry treatments, patients have the chance to feel good about their smiles.

This article explores some of the dental treatments that are considered cosmetic dentistry — and how they can transform a smile. 

What Can Cosmetic Dentistry Do? 

There are many cosmetic dentistry treatments available. For patients, that means there are plenty of options for treating many different issues, such as: 

The world of cosmetic dentistry is vast so this is just a sample of what it can do. If there is something you aren’t happy with about your smile or oral health, talk to your dentist. 

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

Below are a few of the most common procedures that are considered cosmetic dentistry. 

Each of these treatments offers a solution to some of the most common cosmetic issues patients face. For instance, dental implants and porcelain fixed bridges are perfect for replacing a missing tooth or missing teeth. Veneers are great for fixing things like gaps, discolorations, chips, and otherwise imperfect teeth. Teeth whitening can remove stains and leave you with pearly whites. And Invisalign is an easy way to straighten a crooked smile. 

If you have amalgam fillings – the highly visible metal fillings - they can be replaced with composite fillings that will blend in with your current teeth. 

The Value of Cosmetic Dentistry

There is so much value in investing in your smile. Rather than undergoing a dental treatment because you have to, cosmetic dental procedures are those you do because you want to. When you transform your smile into one you feel good about, you will see the value of it. 

Of course, you simply cannot overlook the impact of cosmetic dentistry on one’s level of confidence. When you are happy with your smile, you are more likely to show it off – and that feels good. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Cosmetic Dentistry

Will dental insurance cover the cost of cosmetic dentistry? 

Cosmetic dental procedures are often considered elective and are not typically covered by dental insurance. However, you always want to check your coverage. 

Is teeth-whitening done in-office or at home? 

Professional teeth whitening from your dentist can be done either in the office or at home. Both will provide you with the greatest results.

Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry in Temple, TX

At Fairbanks Dental Associates, we want our patients to not only have a healthy smile but to feel good and confident about it, too. We offer the latest procedures and state-of-the-art equipment to give you the best results. 

To learn more or schedule your visit, contact us today at 254-778-4402. Or, request an appointment online. 

What To Do If A Crown Falls Off?

Dental crowns have an average lifespan of about 10 to 15 years — or longer. But that does not mean they cannot fall out at any time. It can happen when you least expect it due to several reasons, such as eating chewy, sticky foods or the formation of decay underneath the crown. 

If your dental crown falls off for one reason or another, keep reading to find out what steps to take next. 

Find and Clean Your Crown

Ideally, if your crown falls off, you want to find it and rinse it well. It may be loose within your mouth or easily removed from the tooth itself. Or, it could end up coming out of the mouth and may need to be physically located. 

Once you have it in your hand, examine the crown. Those that are not damaged can often be recemented into place without issue. This is one of the best-case scenarios as it can save you a lot of time and money since you won’t require another custom crown to be created. Therefore, store the crown in a safe place until you can see your dentist

Make an Appointment to See Your Dentist

One thing you want to do, whether you have found your crown or not, is to contact your dentist. Explain what has happened and the details of the situation — and then schedule an appointment to be seen as soon as possible. 

Based on your set of circumstances, your dentist’s office will likely give you some personalized direction on what you should or should not do until you can be seen by the dentist. 

Protect the Tooth

Unless you can see your dentist immediately, you will need to take steps to protect your tooth until your appointment. 

It is not uncommon for your tooth under the crown to be sore and tender once it becomes exposed. You can use temporary dental cement to create a temporary cover and provide a shield for the tooth. Dental wax works much the same. Both can be purchased over the counter at your local drugstore. 

Don’t worry — your dentist will be able to easily remove both when it is time for your appointment. 

Avoid chewing on the side where your tooth is and avoid any hard, crunchy, or chewy foods as these could put the natural tooth at risk. Make sure you brush well and keep the area clean. Consider using a mouthwash, too, to keep bacteria and germs at bay. 

What if the Dental Crown Becomes Loose? 

If your dental crown becomes loose but has not fallen out, you will still need to seek help from your dentist. Contact their office as soon as possible to make an appointment to be seen. 

Take precautions until the time of your appointment to prevent any further damage to the crown

By being proactive, you will reduce the chance of your dental crown falling out on its own. 

Learn More About Dental Crowns

At Fairbanks Dental Associates, we are here for you to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have with your dental crown. So, whether it is loose, has fallen off, or anything else, give us a call at 254-778-4402.

Or, simply request an appointment online.  

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I don’t replace a dental crown that falls out? 

A dental crown is often put in place to restore the integrity of a vulnerable tooth. If you do not replace it, you are putting that tooth at risk.  

Are dental crowns better than dental fillings? 

Dental crowns and dental fillings both work well to protect a natural tooth. They are simply used in different situations. For instance, in cases where a hole is too big for a filling, a dental crown will be used.

How Often Should My Family Visit The Dentist?

Going to the dentist is not usually at the top of everyone’s list of fun things to do— but it is something that should be done every six months. 

Keep reading to find out what to expect on these routine visits, the benefits of visiting the dentist so often, and why some patients may need to see the dentist more frequently. 

What Happens at a Routine Dental Visit? 

Routine dental visits for everyone in the family – kids and adults alike – may vary from dentist to dentist, yet they are all relatively the same. You can almost always expect a cleaning, examination, and, on occasion, digital images.  

It doesn’t matter how well you clean your teeth between visits, there are certain areas that get missed along the way where buildup of plaque can occur. This increases your risk of tooth decay. A professional dental cleaning at your dentist will remove the sticky plaque, leaving your teeth fresh and free.

An oral examination by the dentist will allow any potential issues to be caught before they get worse. A treatment plan can then be created to address these issues before they become more complex down the road. 

This is all part of the proper care and treatment for your oral health — and it all comes with a routine dental visit. 

Benefits of Routine Dental Visits

Visiting your dentist regularly can provide you with many opportunities and advantages for improving or maintaining your oral health, including:

Routine dental visits allow you to save your teeth, promote the longevity of your healthy smile, address things like bad breath and bruxism, as well as give you peace of mind that your oral health is on point. 

Personalized Dental Needs

Each patient is going to have a different set of dental needs. So bi-annual dental visits may not be enough. 

Depending on a few factors, your dentist may suggest coming in at a different frequency. A couple of these factors include your current oral health, dental treatment history, future dental needs, and the like. 

It is not uncommon for dentists to recommend dental visits every three months for those who have greater risk factors. 

Schedule Your Family’s Next Dental Visit

If it has been a while since your family has visited the dentist, then it is time to make that appointment. At Fairbanks Dental Associates, come in for a professional cleaning and oral examination. We can work together to address your oral health needs. 

Contact us today at 254-778-4402. Or, request an appointment online. 

How Long Does A Dental Cleaning Take?

Brushing and flossing regularly can play a significant role in your oral health. However, you likely know that staying on top of oral hygiene isn’t enough. To ensure your teeth stay in ideal condition, you also need to schedule regular dental cleanings with a general dentist.

Even if you know this, you might nevertheless be a busy individual who struggles to find the time for a dental cleaning. Don’t worry if so. Although the length of a dental cleaning may vary somewhat from patient to patient, usually, a dentist can thoroughly clean your teeth in about an hour or less.

How Long is a Dental Cleaning?

A typical dental cleaning will last between 30 and 60 minutes. Factors that may influence how long a professional dental cleaning takes include:

Your dental cleaning might also take longer than average if you have any questions for the dentist or dental hygienist. While asking questions may add to the length of an appointment, if you do want to learn more about caring for your teeth, it’s wise to take this opportunity to discuss these matters with a professional.

How Often Should You Schedule a Dental Cleaning?

The general rule of thumb most people abide by is that adult patients should schedule dental cleanings every six months. While following this suggestion may be sufficient to optimize the dental and oral health of most patients, it’s important to understand that the American Dental Association’s recommendations on this matter have shifted somewhat in recent years.

Every patient is unique. Now, the ADA recommends tailoring treatment plans to each individual patient. Thus, depending on your needs, your dentist might suggest that you schedule dental cleanings more frequently than every six months. 

Follow their advice if they believe you need to schedule professional cleanings more regularly. You can always ask your dentist to explain in greater detail why they recommend scheduling cleanings more frequently than the average patient. Once you understand your unique treatment needs, you may be more inclined to schedule appointments.

What Does a Dental Cleaning Consist Of?

Just as a dentist may recommend that some patients schedule cleanings earlier than others, they might also adjust how they clean a patient’s teeth based on their oral health. That said, a professional dental cleaning usually involves:

Again, a dentist might decide additional steps are necessary to ensure they clean your teeth as thoroughly as possible. For example, a dentist might suggest a fluoride treatment, during which you will apply a fluoride gel to your teeth for about a minute. Per the ADA, fluoride could help guard against dental decay.

A Dental Cleaning Saves Time in the Long Run

Professional dental cleanings can significantly reduce your odds of developing cavities and other such oral health issues. Additionally, a dental cleaning gives a professional the chance to identify any issues early, treating them before they develop into major problems.

Remember that the next time you wonder whether you have time for a dental cleaning! By listening to your dentist and scheduling cleanings regularly, you can save time and money in the long run by preventing complications that may otherwise require more extensive treatment.

Schedule a Dental Cleaning in Temple, TX Today

Are you overdue for your next dental cleaning? If so, our team at Fairbanks Dental Associates is on hand to offer the professional and thorough cleaning your teeth and gums deserve. Contact us online or call us at 254-778-4402 to request an appointment today!

Professional Teeth Whitening Vs. Over The Counter Treatments

From drinking coffee to eating certain berries, there are many ways your teeth can potentially become stained over the years. There are also several teeth whitening options available to you when this happens.

Many over the counter whitening strips and toothpastes promise to brighten your smile. Your dentist may also offer professional teeth whitening service.

Which is better? Generally, a professional will deliver more impressive results than you can achieve through an over the counter product. However, every patient has different needs depending on the extent of their teeth staining. 

A dentist can evaluate the degree to which your teeth are stained to determine whether professional teeth whitening is necessary, or whether you can simply whiten your teeth with over the counter products. In the meantime, this overview will help you better understand why a dentist can brighten your smile more effectively than a product you might buy at your local pharmacy can.

What Does Professional Teeth Whitening Involve?

An in-office teeth whitening treatment generally involves the following steps:

The process doesn’t take very long at all. After a brief appointment, a patient can walk out of their dentist’s office with a significantly whiter smile.

Why Professional Teeth Whitening Delivers Results

The bleaching agent a dentist applies to a patient’s teeth during a professional whitening treatment will usually contain carbamide peroxide. According to research from the National Institutes of Health, one of the reasons over the counter products may be less effective than professional teeth whitening is the fact that they often use hydrogen peroxide as a whitening agent, which is weaker than carbamide peroxide.

Additionally, consumers typically use over the counter teeth whitening products without the supervision of a dentist. On the other hand, during an in-office professional cleaning, a dentist follows a procedure to ensure optimal results and safety.

Professional Teeth Whitening & Over The Counter Products: When Cost is a Factor

Someone who understands that a professional whitening can yield more impressive results than over the counter products may nevertheless still believe these products are best for them if their goal is to save money.

It’s true that over the counter whitening strips and toothpastes may cost less than a professional treatment. If you’re on a budget, this is a factor you may need to account for.

That said, it’s also important to remember that you may not be thoroughly satisfied with the results you achieve through over the counter products. Even after using these products, you might decide to schedule a professional teeth whitening anyway to achieve your desired results. If this were to happen, buying over the counter whitening products would be a waste of your money in the long run.

Professional Whitening is Convenient

A professional teeth whitening treatment shouldn’t take longer than an hour. Arguably, this is more convenient than wearing whitening strips several days in a row at home.

However, everyone has their own opinion regarding what is and isn’t convenient. Some patients may feel whitening their teeth at home is always simpler than undergoing treatment in a dental office, even if an at-home treatment requires a greater overall time investment.

These types of patients should know that many dentists who offer in-office teeth whitening service also offer custom at-home whitening trays as well. Because these trays are customized to the needs of each individual patient, they usually deliver superior results to the results achievable through at-home whitening kits available in stores.

Talk to Your Dentist About Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening isn’t necessary for everyone. If the staining to a patient’s teeth is only minimal, a dentist might recommend over the counter products.

The best way to determine whether you need professional teeth whitening is to speak with your dentist. They’ll explain the pros and cons of each option in greater detail, helping you make the right choice for your teeth.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening in Temple, TX

At Fairbanks Dental Associates, we're happy to answer your questions about teeth whitening. Contact us online or call us today at 254-778-4402 to request an appointment.

What Is General Dentistry And Why Is It Important?

General dentistry services help dental practitioners monitor and improve your oral health. They complement restorative and cosmetic services to create a beautiful, functional smile.

General Dentistry Services

Comprehensive Dental Exams and Cleanings

Twice annually, we provide comprehensive exams and cleanings. The dentist checks your bite, the condition of your teeth and gums, and any other apparent problems while evaluating the type of care you need to preserve your oral health.

Comprehensive exams check for problems like oral cancer, which, when treated early, has a higher cure rate. Cleanings help to prevent problems like gum disease and tooth decay.

Custom Oral Appliances

We provide fully customized mouthguards and night guards to protect your teeth and prevent injury. Mouthguards are an excellent choice for everyone who plays an active sport, especially children and those who wear braces. Night guards can prevent tooth clenching and grinding, which could lead to the painful condition called TMJ (temporomandibular joint) syndrome.

Root Canal Treatment

When your tooth needs a root canal, address it quickly. Root canals become necessary when the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected or inflamed. A tooth needing a root canal often causes pain and sensitivity, though sometimes it can develop with no noticeable symptoms.

A root canal may even save your natural tooth from extraction while relieving pain. If you choose not to get a root canal right away, the infection could spread to other teeth and cause severe pain. Root canals may have a reputation for discomfort, but today, the procedure is no more taxing than getting a filling.

Family Dentistry

One of the advantages of choosing Fairbanks Dental Associates is that we can treat every member of your family. It is more convenient to see only one dentist for all of your family's needs, and you and your children will form a close bond with your practitioners. Having a good relationship with your dentist means that you will visit as directed and preserve your oral health to the best of your ability.

Family dentists understand oral health from infancy through the senior years. They can recommend the best treatments and home care routines to help keep your entire family's teeth and gums healthy in the long term.

Why is General Dentistry Important?

General dentistry means that your practitioner can keep a close eye on your oral health. Comprehensive exams and cleanings twice annually help dentists control conditions like cavities and gum disease. In addition to cleanings and comprehensive exams, general dentistry services can relieve pain and prevent future damage to your teeth.

Call Fairbanks Dental Associates.

If you need a general or family dentist in Temple, TX, we are ready to help you. We can provide routine dental services as well as cosmetic, reconstructive, and sedation dentistry for your comfort and convenience.

Please call our office at 254-778-4402 to schedule an appointment today. We can help you preserve and protect your oral health for many years to come.